28 Feb 2017


Hi, and welcome to my blog.

I thought I would start by giving you the story of how I got in to the amazing art of Bonsai
It all started for me in my teens. I already enjoyed being in the garden, I even enjoyed mowing the grass!!! But my first encounter with bonsai was when I watch The Karate Kid for the first time. What can I say, I was fascinated by the mini trees that Mr Miyagi was working on in his office. 
My next encounter wasn’t till I was in my early twenties when my Nan passed. I have some very fond memories of my Nan, one was her love of her garden and I remember spending hours in her garden just admiring it. After she passed we had the job off emptying her house. In the process, we divided up some of her belongings and it was decided that I would have all her gardening books. Within this pile of books there was a book, "Bonsai, the art of growing and keeping miniature trees" by Peter Chan, this sparked my fascination again. I started to read and do some research, trying to get as much info as I could, before starting on my bonsai journey. I would love to say to you now that I have been practicing the art ever since but it wasn't for another 10-13 years until I finally got my first trees in 2015.
Well there it is, how I became fascinated with bonsai. I will talk about how I actually started in my next post.
But before I start talking about my trees I just wanted to talk about what I want for this blog. I want it to be a learning tool for me and others (Please learn from my mistakes!!!). I will be posting pics of my trees and talking about what I have done and what I plan to do. Please feel free to ask any questions, and for you more experience readers I would like to encourage you to comment with your advice and tips that you have.
Finally, just a quick word to say that I live in the UK and you will need to keep this in mind as your clement and timings may be different than mine.
Hope you enjoy my future posts.