10 Mar 2017

My Fisrt Trees

Before I start, a WARNING!!! To you that are more experienced, I know as you read this you will be shouting at your computers, and for the beginners out there please learn from my mistake.

Now on to my first trees. It was over Christmas 2014 that I decided that I had had enough of reading and it was time to just jump in. So, I started to look around. I found that Herons Bonsai sold a set of 5 conifers starter trees. I thought this would be a good way to start so I ordered them.
Starter Bonsai, Dawn Redwood, Japanese Larch, Mugo Pine, Alberta Spruce, Ginkgo
My 5 starter trees
They arrived at the beginning of February 2015. The five trees that they sent me where:

Dawn Redwood
Japanese Larch
Mugo Pine
Alberta Spruce

Around the same time, I ordered a set of 5 plastic Bonsai pots
(rectangle 15 x 10.5 x 6 cm). The plan was to re pot these trees in to the training pots. In the end, I only potted 3 of them in to these pots, the Spruce I potted in to standard flower pot (I forget the size), and the Mugo didn't get re potted.

Ginkgo starter Bonsai, Bonsai Blog 
Ginkgo after
re potting Feb 2015
Dawn Redwood Starter Bonsai, Bonsai Blog
Dawn Redwood after
re potting Feb 2015
I know, I know, the more experienced of you will be saying “well now you have 5 twigs in a pot!!!” I will get to that in a moment. First I just want to touch on what I used for soil. I know that this is a highly-debated subject, you could ask 50 different people you will get 50 different answers. For me its cat litter (moler clay). I’m not going to go in to why I use cat litter, there is a very good article here you can read.

Japanese Larch Starter Bonsai, Bonsai Blog
Japanese Larch after
re potting Feb 2015
  Alberta Spruce Starter Bonsai, Bonsai Blog
Alberta Spruce after
re potting Feb 2015
So back to my twigs in pots!!! At the time, I thought I was doing the right thing and it wasn’t till mid-way through the year it clicked “If you want thinker trucks you need to let them grow unhindered”.

So, with that in mind I hatched a plan. In Apr 2016 I cleared out a bed in the garden and planted then all but one in the ground. I planted them all on a paving slab. The idea behind the slab is that it forces the rotes  to grow out. We want the roots to grow out like this to help us develop a good NEBARI (Here is an index for Bonsai words if you need it).

The Spruce didn’t go in to the ground but was planted in a much bigger pot.

A year on they are all still there, and there they will stay until I decide/work out what to do with them.

So that is the story of my first trees.

Until next time,